About the Author

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José María Cid Ruiz (Guadalajara, Spain, 1956), has spent several decades dedicated to research on aquaculture of ornamental species, developing  and experimenting with different techniques of maintenance and reproduction of many different species of fish and invertebrates in freshwater, brackish and marine aquariums.

As result of these experiences, he has been publishing articles in various national and international magazines (Argos, B.AEA, Especies, Río Negro, Acuario Práctico, Aquamar, CoralesyMarino, Tropical Fish Hobbyst, Coral, FAMA USA, Koralle Germany, Aquarama France) and giving lectures to various aquaristic associations and public and private exhibition centers.

He has been or still is an active member of several associations dedicated to aquariology:

  • Vice-President of the Spanish Association of Aquarists
  • Head of the Investigations Section of the Spanish Association of Aquarists
  • Member of the AKA (American Killifish Association)
  • Chairman of the Aquarist Chamartin Group

In addition to fishkeeping, José María practice underwater photography and video, featu-ring a vast database of images of many species in the wild.

He studied as Telecommunications Engineer and has developed his professional activity in TELCO sector, as an expert manager in process analysis and quality systems.

Books published by the author: “Blénidos del Mediterráneo” (Anarpa, 1993) and “El Agua del Acuario” (MJVT, 2016).

Publications and proven experience

Based on practical experience in their aquariums, José María has published more than fifty papers, lectures and two books. Below are outlined some of his publications:

    • 30 Adapting to Amphrion ocellaris to the Mediterranean anemone Actinia equina
      (1989,AQUAMAR. Rf:21)
    • 29 JMªCid , fishkeeping activity
      (1989,Ranking. Rf:20)
    • 28 Maintenance and breeding Australian goby Tateurndina ocellicauda
      (1987,AQUAMAR. Rf:18-19)
    • 27 About Nemateleotris magnifica
      (1987,AQUAMAR. Rf:17)
    • 26 Breeding several generations of Julidochromis ornatus
      (2017.jul TFH-USA. Rf:67 // 1985,AQUAMAR. Rf:16)
    • 25 Bitis genera
      (1984, Boletín I. Veterinary. Rf:15bis)
    • 24 Maintenance of the genus Antennarius
      (1984, AQUAMAR. Rf:15)
    • 23 Maintenance and reproduction of the sea star Asterina gibbosa
      (1984,AQUAMAR. Rf:14)
    • 22 Bitis gabonica, reproductión
      (1983, AQUAMAR. Rf:13bis)
    • 21 Blennies, second generation reared on rotifers and phytoplankton
      (1983,AQUAMAR. Rf:13)
    • 20 Trimeresurus albolabris
      (1983, AQUAMAR. Rf:12tris)
    • 19 Fishkeeping in philately
      (1982, AQUAMAR. Rf:12bis)
    • 18 Maintenance and reproduction of the blenniid Lipophrys pavo
      (1982,AQUAMAR. Part I Rf:11– Part II Rf:12)
    • 17 Maintenance and reproduction of the nudibranch Spurilla neapolitana
      (1982, Mundo Acuariofilo. Rf:10)
    • 16 Breeding Trichogaster leeri
      (1981, Aquarama -France. Rf:9bis)
    • 15 Tilapia mossambica vs. T.galilea, reproductión
      (1980, Conference. Rf:9)
    • 14 Behavior and reproduction of Triturus boscai
      (1980, Vida Acuática. Rf:8)
    • 13 Behavior and reproduction of Puntius tetrazona
      (1980,Boletin of the Spanish Association of Aquarists. Rf:7)
    • 12 Mediterranean snails in the aquarium
      (1979,Boletin of the Spanish Association of Aquarists. Rf:6)
    • 12 Breeding Aphanius Iberus & Valencia hispanica
      (1979,Boletin of the Spanish Association of Aquarists. Rf:5)
    • 11 Aquaristics. Introduction to the aquarium
      (1978, Conference. Rf:4bis)
    • 10 Maintenance of Mediterranean marine aquariums
      (1978,Boletin of the Spanish Association of Aquarists. Rf:4 )
    • 8 Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum
      (1977, Conference. Rf:3tris)
    • 7 Madreporic Islands
      (1977, Conference. Rf:3bis)
    • 6 Practical experience in cultures of Tubifex
      (1977,Boletin of the Spanish Association of Aquarists. Rf:3)
    • 5 How is a fish? Anatomy and Physiology
      (1977, Conference. Rf:2bis)
    • 4 Maintenance and reproduction of the genus Aphyosemion
      (1977,Boletin of the Spanish Association of Aquarists. Rf:2)
    • 3 Breeding Helostoma temminckii
      (1976,Boletin of the Spanish Association of Aquarists. Rf:1)
    • 2 Fishkeeping. A living picture
      (1976, Conference. Rf:-1)
    • 1 Betta splendes, reproductión
      (1973, Conference. Rf:-2)
